With Obama’s decision to rescind President Bush’s executive order banning federal funds for embryonic stem cell research along with the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and other major breakthroughs, 2009 sent the share price of quite a few stem cell companies straight “to the moon.”
Some share prices continue to rise, some remain stagnant, and others came back down just as quickly as they went up.
Those who got in before the price spikes made handsome profits. Those who bought in after the rallies ran their course are still sitting on a loss, waiting for the next big payday, if they haven’t sold out and moved on yet.
Regardless, the stem cell industry is gaining more and more media attention, money, and supporters than ever before, so I think it is safe to say we will see more “to the moon” rallies as time goes on and FDA trials begin, especially when therapies become available in the U.S.
Without further ado, here are eleven companies that saw their share price more than double in 2009. The information includes the percentage gain they saw during the specified time frame, and where it is as of November 13, 2009:
1/26/09: .29
11/13/09: .0982
9/2/09: .34
11/13/09: .30
9/15/09: 2.40
11/13/09: .92
9/23/09: 6.24
11/13/09: 5.05
9/22/09: 2.30
11/13/09: 1.78
9/21/09: 1.93
11/23/09: 1.32
6/4/09: 4.54
11/13/09: 3.55
7/27/09: 9.17
11/13/09: 5.66
5/28/09: 1.06
11/13/09: .63
9/8/09: 5.66
11/13/09: 2.10
6/9/09: .43
11/13/09: .27
Kind of makes you wish you had a time machine, doesn’t it?
If you know of others that did exceptionally well, please let us know. Remember to always do your own research before investing, especially in a highly speculative field like stem cell research.
Note: As of right now I am not aware of any reverse splits. I calculated this information by subtracting the low from the high, then dividing that number by the low and multiplying it by 1 (that is how you calculate a percentage increase).
Happy Trading!