Ageless Nation: The Quest for Superlongevity and Physical Perfection by Dr. Michael G. Zey explores a future where human beings will live to be 400 years old, or more, thanks to genetic engineering, cloning technology, and stem cell science.
Of course, this would have serious implications for everything from careers to business to children, but Zey believes this would be for the better, criticizing modern trends as “anti-progress” and “anti-human.”
While this may have sounded like science fiction just a year ago, is it really so hard to imagine today?
In 2009 alone scientists have made some groundbreaking claims such as creating artificial sperm, making paralyzed mice walk again, and even growing entirely new breasts for breast cancer survivors.
What will be discovered next year, or five years from that? We can’t even imagine, but it will undoubtedly have a large impact on society.
If you like to read, this is definitely a book you need to add to your collection. If you don’t like to read, you’re missing out, but you might just have a few extra hundred years to catch up ;-]
On Amazon:
Ageless Nation: The Quest for Superlongevity and Physical Perfection